On Monday, 30th May 2022, PrimeWater will join the panel discussion on “Earth Observation Technologies for Improved Water Management organised by the International Water Association at IFAT 2022, Munich, Germany. This panel aims to present the state-of-the-art in terms of EO technologies in the water sector and it will showcase experiences where EO technologies are being used to prepare and adapt to risks in a planned manner.

In this session, PrimeWater Project Coordinator, Apostolos Tzimas (EMVIS) will present the benefits of using EO technologies in the water sector. Ilias Pechlivanidis (SMHI) will share his thoughts on the evolution of an EO-enhanced agriculture sector, and Karin Schenk (EOMAP) will highlight how EO technologies can be used in water quality.

Also on the panel is Professor Amos Kabo-Bah of the University of Energy and Natural Resources, who represents the GEO AquaWatch community.

The session will be moderated by IWA Strategic Programmes Officer, Erin Jordan.

For the full agenda, please click here.

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